Creative Business
Mr. Yasir I. Kashgari
" East Turkistan and Some Paths To Reach Independence, International Law Perspective (arabic edition) "
written by Eng. Yaser I. Kashgari
للمؤلف م/ ياسر ابراهيم كاشغري
This book discusses countries independence and how countries are formed, and its four principles, boundaries, population, authorities, and independence. It discusses the relationship between International law and United Nation and countries independence and how to reach Independence.
It shows the nature and mineral resources for East Turkistan. It discusses East Turkistan most problems and how the people are suffer.
It discusses the effect of imperialism. It shows the material and moral harms. It illustrates the ways to reach Independence. It discusses the reasons for East Turkistan area for tries to be Independence Country. It shows the reasons for several countries that led them to Independence and how they became Independence countries. With some examples for several countries that are trying to reach more recognition.
It discusses the International advantages for other countries that could be when East Turkistan becomes Independence Country. It shows the importance for countries to be united. It illustrated the difference between several International laws. It lists the International Court of Justice law and the International Criminal Court law.
This book could be unique because it has found several paths for East Turkistan area to reach Independence in international law perspective. It shows the advantage that could be for the International and other countries when East Turkistan become Independence Country.
The overall people whom are interested in politics and humans right researchers could gain benefit from reading this book. It could be helpful for law institutions and researchers.
I have decided to write this book because of the need to understand the East Turkistan cases. Thus, to show the East Turkistan people needs.