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" Mr. Presedint "

written by Eng. Yaser I. Kashgari


This book discusses the increase in certain fields and how the United States became after the election of President Donald Trump. This book discusses the United States in brief, and the history of some advantage acts for some previous presidents. It discusses the United States and its foreign relations, economy, and well-being.

It shows the growth that occurred after President Donald Trump led the country. It discusses the increase in the growth, economy and well-being issues. 

It discusses the effect of democracy. It shows the advantages and disadvantages of it.

It discusses the freedom of speech. It shows the effort and progress of it. It illustrated its leadership and trend. It lists problems that affect democracy from such acts.

This book could be unique because it has shined the most important factors that has been increased and changed for the people after the election of President Donald Trump. It shows the advantage for each well being factor.

The overall people whom are interested in politics and economy could gain benefit from reading this book. It could be helpful for people to how good the United States became.

I have decided to write this book because of the need to understand the good effect that President Donald Trump has on the most important factors for the people.

English Edition 1



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