Creative Business
Mr. Yasir I. Kashgari
events and confrences
- Tue, Sep 26EuropeSep 26, 2017, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PMEurope, Europe, US,Sep 26, 2017, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PMEurope, Europe, US,Business Owner, Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari ... Participations , Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari ... Great Vectory... I have been tired working and with support of my several novelities and innovations ... Pleasure could be the most exciting sense in humans life... Not arab, Not muslims ...
- Tue, Sep 26Europe, US,Sep 26, 2017, 4:30 PM – Oct 28, 2017, 6:30 PMEurope, US,, Europe, US, at site 26, 2017, 4:30 PM – Oct 28, 2017, 6:30 PMEurope, US,, Europe, US, at site … Participations , Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari ... Great Vectory... I have been tired working and with support of my several novelities and innovations ... and I have made several of these ideas at reality ... Not arab, Not muslims ...
- Tue, Sep 26EuropeSep 26, 2017, 4:30 PM – Oct 28, 2017, 6:30 PMEurope, EuropeSep 26, 2017, 4:30 PM – Oct 28, 2017, 6:30 PMEurope, EuropeHi... It is nice to be in touch with you ... I would like to request legal criminal litigation confrence ... Not arab, Not muslims ... Thankfully, _____________________________________ Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari
- Mon, Aug 28Europe, US,Aug 28, 2017, 4:30 PM – Sep 30, 2017, 6:30 PMEurope, US,, Europe, US, at site 28, 2017, 4:30 PM – Sep 30, 2017, 6:30 PMEurope, US,, Europe, US, at site … Participations , Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari ... Great Vectory... I have been tired working and with support of my several novelities and innovations ... and I have made several of these ideas at reality ... Not arab, Not muslims ...
Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari
Name: Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari
Great vectory...
Occupation: Business Owner
Home country: United Kingdom
Birth country: Georgia, United States of America
Religion: Crestian
Not arab, Not muslims ...
caute: Pleasure could be the most exciting sense in humans life...
Hi …
Participations , Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari ...
Great Vectory...
I have been tired working and with support of my several novelities and innovations ... and I have made several of these ideas at reality ... then I have been an author ... and I have my own business ... and this could be a great vectory at times...
Pleasure could be the most exciting sense in humans life...
This book discusses social and cultural relationships. It has proposed solutions for most problems, that could be faced in real life. It has considered self improvement and its related achievement. This book is written in Arabic and has been translated in to English and French Languages.!welcome/c12if
Eng. Yaser Ibrahim Kashgari, born on 22nd of November 1974 in Georgia, United States. The son of Major General Ibrahim Kashgari; at the Army. The grandson of Shaik Habibullah Kashgari; the leader of the old Uyghurs and Turkish Tribes in Saudi Arabia during HH King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud’s existence. The grandson of Shaik Hasan Sindi; the second man at the Ministry Of Defense in Saudi Arabia through the past decades during HRH Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s existence may God forgive him. Graduated from King Fahd University Of Petroleum and Minerals, located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia with a bachelor degree in Communication Engineering and got a master degree in Business and Administration MBA from University Of Dublin, US. With 23 years of experience and worked in different firms, most at Saudi Telecom Co. (2000 - 2010) as a Team Manager at Operations Development Department, and has been assigned as a division manager. Then, started a new business. The author could speak three different languages, Arabic, English, and Francais languages. The author was dominated to be a Minister at the Ministry Of Water and Electricity at Saudi Arabia, since 2014.
Since my study at King Fahd University Of Petroleum & Minerals, Electrical Engineering (Communications) 1997, and before continuing my Master degree in Business Administrations MBA, I believed that internet could be transmitted free for overall customers, and have been suggested it to ZAIN Saudi
Since having an information is free, and no one could pay for knowing a certain information. I believed that internet could be transmitted free for overall customers.
The Technology were invented and developed to support and make life easier for human during there life daily activities. Thus, Telecom Companies are responsible for providing and switching telephone calls for fixed lines and mobile calls. They mainly, could provide services for these calls. They could find ways for increasing there profits from these services and calls actions. Internet Services are not one of the main functions for a Telecom Company tasks and purposes. These Internet Services could be supporters in the Telecom Market. I think that Telecom Companies could adopt these Internet Services but they should not consider it as a route for gaining profits. from it.
Therefore, the following link could be helpful to convince the decision makers of the Telecom Companies to let internet be transmitted free for the overall customers.
Since my study at King Fahd University Of Petroleum & Minerals, Electrical Engineering (Communications) 1997, and before continuing my Master degree in Business Administrations MBA… I wrote several Arabic poetries… and English poetries… with different nick names…and some of the poetries that i wrote have been singed… and some of these poetries were stolen… and some of those thieves, are from different gulf royal families…
I have done some good tracks and music remixes, in some portion of my life… and that was while i was at the bachelor studies at the university in the field of communication engineering, and that was since 1994… and before i get my master degree in business and administrations… and I could not continue being a DJ because I wanted to concentrate to my academic bachelor degree… and I was a good DJ… I have made my tracks using different nick names, and i wanted these tracks to be published in 2011-2014… and some of the nick names that i have used to do my tracks and music could be Dj Morfou, Dj Bonxi, and Dj SR… May be some of these nick names are used now… but I am the developer of these nick names… and i am the real Dj MOrfou, Dj Bonxi, and Dj SR … and I am the real one… I have developed the first arabic remix music and i have called it “ Arabien Oriental ”… May be some of these nick names are used now… but I am the developer of these nick names… and I am the real one…
and I like lisning to music… I have decided to do and develop my own music… therfore, i have learned how to use certain software to produce music… and i become a good deejay… I have realized that music could be a combination of feelings and emotions… and i have thought of a new developed music… and i called that music Trance music… and i have done some tracks called “ The Language Of Trance” … and i had that good feelings while listening to the music that i have made… and then i have listened the new tracks and music to a person who i have met online, and i have discussed the new music that i have developed… and he called it Techno music… we have agreed about this new music… and i wanted to share the overall world with the music that i have thought of and developed… and to let them sense and feel the music with high spirits … and to make joyment and peace spread to the overall world… and it is belonege to the overall world and for the overall world… and then i have made some tracks describing the way i have developed the new Trance music… I have called these tracks “ Routs Of Trance ” with name neowave… and that was since 1992… I do not know, whether some one has had the patent of it… but i am sure that i am the inventor and developer of this music… Hope the overall of you enjoy listening to my invention… and to feel the music… Hope you enjoy listning to this music…
Since my study at King Fahd University Of Petroleum & Minerals, Electrical Engineering (Communications) 1997, and before continuing my Master degree in Business Administrations MBA, I have an idea, Internet via Electricity Wires, and it was registered at USPTO with number 61813770, and Internet is the very widely used service technology ever. It is implemented through a fixed cables or wireless. So, it could be fast to be displayed and brows by the users and customers. To use this technology, the service providers; the company that provides this kind of technology, could use an internet cables (two pairs, fiber optics or wireless) but they could use a fixed cables from the telecom company.
I have registered a different patent at USPTO with number 61813777, This idea was bout replacing the ordinary television views by an advanced method about using certain liquid in a screen’s component and dividing the screen into multiple components.1992-1997 and through am continuing studying my bachelor academic degree at King Fahd University Of Petroleum and Minerals, located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (Electrical Engineering specialized in Communications), and during my studying digital processes course, an idea has flashes and wanted to be in real life. This idea was bout replacing the ordinary television views by an advanced method about using certain liquid in a screen’s component and dividing the screen into multiple components. This advanced method called it PLASMA or LCD. After that a letter was written and my friend, Panasonic Sponsors in Saudi Arabia at that time passed my letter describing in it the method in detail to Panasonic Headquarter in Japan whom could be concerned confidentially. A signature of mine was at the end of the letter. The signature was; ykashgari.
Certain organizations have been adopting the legalization of the trade of Marijuana… and They do know the need for this legalization… Marijuana could be a plant… and it could not be described as a drug… and that is because it is not… according to some journals… and beside… it has no side effects… and I think that the world is moving toward the legalization of the trade of Marijuana… and there are some countries had providence that did approved legalization of the trade of Marijuana… Hope we could let it happen more faster…!welcome/c12if
The author of books,
Practical Guide To Operations Management
??????? Participations
My Father Was The Saudi Lands Protecter (???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????????)
Last Will and Testament of Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari ...
Not arab, Not muslims ...
== Legal case ... ==
It is nice to be in touch with you ...
I have my own business ... at US and Europe ...
I have a legal criminal litigation ... against several people and institutions ...
and would like to raise a legal criminal litigation ... against several people and institutions ...
I have written several arabic peotries sense I was young ... and most of my peotries were base on real stories ... and base on my life stories ... I have written arabic peotry about a real story from my life stories ... sinse I was young ... and this peotry were stollen ... with a plan and involve of my mother and father ... and this peotry were singed ... and this peotry were publish and writtern by Prince Badr bin Abduamihsin Al Saud ...
and one of this person' doughters and here mother, from al sudairi family, has sent a guy to make an agreament about this peotry ... and I have refuse to discuss and make an agreement with this person ...
and these people have tried to make murded me of a car accedent at riyadh, Saudi Arabia ...
and these people still trying to use several people ...
and they have involved Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ... to continue disrupt and make trouble ...
and I have written several arabic peotries sense I was young ...
with different nick names ... and I have written these peotries using different nick names ...
and several people from Emirates, UAE, wanted to adobte my name ...
and I had several connections from different people, and for the position of my father, and my mother' father ... I have receive a note from different people ... about a revolution in several arabic world ... and I have written a peotry and I have sent this peotry at public site ...
and I have written several arabic peotries sense I was young ... and several of these peotries were stollen by several gulf royal families ...
and I have written several arabic peotries sense I was young ...
and several of these peotries were siged ... and several of there songs, were publish and written by Prince Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud ...
I have a legal criminal litigation ... and I have a car accedent, at Jeddah ... and this accedent leads to death ... and it was against one of Al Faisal sons, group companies ...
and most of these people were not known, before these peotries were signed ...
and I have legal criminal litigation ... against al jadaani hospital, at al safa at Jeddah ... and I were, normal and still, and the al jadaani hospital had sent a guy at home, and this guy, had injucted me with drug, with out notice ... and had kidnapped, me to the hospital, and the admission was illigal ... and they have kept me four months at a locked room, and they have issued illigal ducuments to the company, that I were worked at ... and the overall prosedure that this hospital acted ... was illigal and against the government prosedures ...
and I have legal criminal litigation ... against the militaey hospital, at riyadh ... and I were, normal and still, and the militaey hospital, and the admission was illigal ... and they have kept me eight months at a locked room, and they have issued illigal ducuments to the company, that I were worked at ... and the overall prosedure that this hospital acted ... was illigal and against the government prosedures ...
and I have legal criminal litigation ... against saudi telecom co., and this company had issued, illegal formal ducument ... and they had approved it illegal ... and the overall prosedure that this company acted ... was illigal and against the government prosedures ...
I have a legal criminal litigation ... against a person @YSalfaiasl at US, and called him self as my name ...
and his actions could affect my business ...
and I have a conflict against some of his family ...
and I have legal court document, at Jeddah, againt publish and distribution company ... and I am not responsable with any of the contract rule... and I could have my profit and indemnity ... and the execution court had refused the submit form ... and the judge statement was based on fake and lies ... and the legal execution department at Jeddah police, had refused to deal with any courts at Jeddah, except the execution court, at Jeddah ... and the officer statmente and actions ... was based on lies ...
and the legal execution followup department at Al amarah at makkah region ... and Al amarah at makkah region ... had no respose ...
and I have request to have my profit and indemnity ... and to execute the legal punish against the illigal actions involved persons and labors ... and against the cover up''' '''and disguises ...
and the litigation cost could be deducted from the other side ...!welcome/c12if
Free call: +1 (515) 739-1448 ext 886058
Not arab, Not muslims ...
Eng. Yasir I. Kashgari